The Two Faces of Europe


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International Socialism, 146International Socialism London2015Inglês9781909026919Usado

Revista International Socialism, 146 – Brochura – Bom estado: miolo sem marcações e sublinhados – inglês – 16×22 cm – 223 p – Artigos: Analysis – The interminable catastrophe Syriza and the crisis (Alex Callinicos e Panos Garganas); After the Paris attacks (Jim Wolfreys); Islamophobia: the othering of Europes Muslins (Hassan Mahamdallie); Racism and resistance in the US (Megan Trudell); Heather Browns Marx on Gender and the Family (Sheila McGregor); The economic history of sub-Saharan África (Biodun Olomosu e Andy Wynne); Bureaucratic mass strikes (Dave Lyddonn); Neocolonial intervention in the Caribbean (Kevin Edmonds) entre outros textos – M3/P3 – 201622169

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