The Unaborted Socrates: a Dramatic Debate on the Issues Surrounding Ab Peter Kreeft


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Is abortion a womans right? When does human life begin? Should we legislate morality? What would happen if the Socrates of old suddenly appeared in modern Athens? Peter Kreeft imagines the dialog that might ensue with three worthy opponents–a doctor, a philosopher and a psychologist–about the arguments surrounding abortion. Kreeft uses Socratic technique to strip away the emotional issues and get to the heart of the rational objections to abortion. Logic joins humor as Socrates challenges the standard rhetoric and pass

Peter KreeftPeter KreeftIntervarsity1983155Inglês9780877848103Usado

Livro usado em bom estado – 14×21 cm – 155p – sem nome antigo dono – sem dedicatória – sem notas – sem grifos -sem carimbo – miolo firme – sem etiqueta no dorso – sem sublinhado – sem rasgos nas capas e/ou lombada – leves amarelados do tempo – cortes escurecidos -/// Is abortion a womans right? When does human life begin? Should we legislate morality? What would happen if the Socrates of old suddenly appeared in modern Athens? Peter Kreeft imagines the dialog that might ensue with three worthy opponents–a doctor, a philosopher and a psychologist–about the arguments surrounding abortion. Kreeft uses Socratic technique to strip away the emotional issues and get to the heart of the rational objections to abortion. Logic joins humor as Socrates challenges the standard rhetoric and pass

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