The vagina monologues


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A poignant and hilarious tour of the last frontier, the ultimate forbidden zone, The vagina monologues is a celebration of female sexuality in all its complexity and mystery. Hailed as the bible for a new generation of women, it has been performed in cities all across America and at hundreds of college campuses, and has inspired a dynamic grassroots movement–V-Day–to stop violence against women. Witty and irreverent, compassionate and wise, Eve Ensler’s Obie Award-winning masterpiece gives voice to real women’s deepest fantasies and fears, guaranteeing that no one who reads it will ever look at a woman’s body, or think of sex, in quite the same way again.

Eve EnslerVillardRev. ed.2001226Inglês03755056529780375756986Usado

Otimo estado 187 pp * Estmad*

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