Unconditional Love and Forgivenness


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Edith StaufferTriangle Publishers1988Inglês09401110399780940111035Usado

Cod. 6778 / Auto-ajuda / 223 pg. / -Lz- Idioma Inglês – capa e lombada leves sinais de manuseio – Miolo bom – Págs claras “Unconditional love and forgiveness” is the central theme of Edith Stauffer’s approach to healing. She bases her principles and practices on Psychosynthesis and on the concepts of the Essenes, an ancient sect whose beliefs are recorded in the Dead Sea Scrolls. Their practices integrated spiritual principles into everyday living, creating an atmosphere of peace, cooperation, and harmony within the group. Psychosynthesis, developed by Dr. Roberto Assagioli, carries a similar goal of bringing transpersonal concepts and awareness into practical application. Stauffer understands the original purpose of spirituality, which is to create experiences and gu

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