Untangling Bosnia and Hercegovina


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Seeking to understand tragic but beautiful Bosnia and Hercegovina Gale A. Kirking drove down from his home town in the Czech Republic to take a good look around. Untangling Bosnia and Hercegovina details his travels and conversations with shopkeepers, pensioners, taxi drivers, common soldiers, farmers, policemen and refugees. Oftentimes these Serbs, Croats and Muslims rode right along in the car. Kirking, a Wisconsin native, visited during the momentous 1998 general election. He returned in early 1999, a time of growing but contained unrest just prior to the NATO bombing campaign against Serbia. Untangling Bosnia and Hercegovina shares a vision of a country that remains deeply troubled. The narrative provides insights into ordinary people living in a moral twilight that is neither the darkness of war nor the full light of peace, where truth, goodness and fairness are not easily distinguished from falsehood, evil and injustice.

Gale A. KirkingGrote Pub./Real World Press1999372Inglês09663436389780966343632Usado

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