Van Gogh Trewin Copplestone


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Trewin CopplestoneGramercy1998Inglês9780517160541Usado

livro usado em bom estado – 76p – brochura – peso certo do livro para frete correto – sem nome – sem dedicatória – sem notas – sem grifos – sem carimbo – miolo firme – sem etiqueta no dorso -///- vincent van gogh (1853-1890), whose paintings now command millions of dollars at each auction, died impoverished at the early age of 37. he left behind an astonishing body of work which included several hundred paintings created over a short period and a large quantity of drawings and sketches. born in the netherlands, the son of a protestant pastor, van gogh was emotionally unstable and suffered frequent bouts of severe mental depression (which resulted in his eventual suicide). although frequently linked with the impressionists he has no rea… – 201610857

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