Abuse ? whether through hurtful words, degrading looks, obscene gesture, or threatening behavior ? inflicts immense pain and impedes emotional growth. We have all been wounded by hurtful words and actions of others ? whether the bully at school, the demeaning boss, a rage?filled driver, or someone in our own family. We often carry those wounds with us for a lifetime. June Hunt has a message for you: it is possible to stop the pain of abuse. Learn biblical truths and practical advice on how to stop the abuse, heal the pain of the past, and foster peace in all your relationships. She also provides the warning signs of abuse, the 7 steps to victory over verbal abuse, 6 steps to an action plan, 8 steps for how to confront and cope with emotionally abusive people, Honesty test for those who may be abusive, 5 steps to building personal boundaries, and much more. Paperback, 96 pages, 4 x 7 inches.