Vik Muniz – Seeing is Believing


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Vik Muniz works with the syntax of photography, but his images are not simply photographic. As Vince Aletti has pointed out in the Village Voice, Muniz has teased the medium mercilessly and with an infectious glee. He makes pictures of picturessly, punning documents that subvert photography by forcing it to record not the natural world but a fiction, a simulation. Munizs pictures are illusions that draw from the language of visual culture, but they twist and redefine our perception to both the commonplace and the fantastic. Munizs images humorously, as well as critically, challenge our abilities to discern fact from fiction, reality from illusion. Utilizing a panoply of unorthodox materialsgranulated sugar

Charles Stainback - Vik MunizArena1998Inglês9781892041005Usado

Otimo estado capa dura* sem s sobrecapa * 164 pp em ingles * S016

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