Who Calls the Shots? Sports and University Leadership, Culture, and De


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Suzanne E. Estler; Laurie NelsonJossey-bass2005Inglês9780787980764Usado

Livro usado em bom estado – 16x23cm 152 p – peso certo do livro para valor correto do frete – sem nome – sem dedicatória – sem notas – sem grifos – sem carimbo – miolo firme – sem etiqueta no dorso – cortes com leve amarelado devido ação do tempo – – /// – Intercollegiate athletic programs continue to grow to financially, physically, and ethically challenged levels, despite institutions stated priorities to the contrary. Organizational theories offer lenses for understanding why colleges and universities appear to make athletics decisions that do not seem to be in their interests. Exploring the forces – structural, legal, social and cultural, and market – external to the institution leads to an understanding of the environments role in constraining campus leaders choices. The challenge

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