Zombies Fantasy Art Fiction & the Movies


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Russ Thorne; Rosie FletcherFlame Tree Publishing2013Inglês9780857759931Usado

Livro usado em ótimo estado – 128p – peso certo do livro para valor correto do frete – sem nome – sem dedicatória – sem notas – sem grifos – sem carimbos – miolo firme – -///- Zombies continue to morbidly fascinate, through books, film and also TV. Major current film releases such as World War Z and television series such as The Walking Dead and In The Flesh are evidence of the publics insatiable hunger to watch, from the comfort of their sofas, these lurching, shuffling, horrifying flesh eaters. This exciting new book wittily takes the reader through the rise of the zombie, from its vampire-like beginnings in early literature, through the birth of Romeros walking dead in Night of the Living Dead to its comical portrayal in zomcom… – 201612036

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