10 Steps to Successful Teams


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Renie McClay has done it again with a concise and practical guide for business excellence. She delivers with practical and easy to use steps along with worksheets and processes to make your teams successful. The entire book is right on target and the chapter on developing innovative approaches is excellent. If you lead, work on, or work with teams, this is a must read. –Gary Summy –

Renie McclayRenie McclayAstd2009160Inglês9781562866754Usado

livro usado – 160 pages – Renie McClay has done it again with a concise and practical guide for business excellence. She delivers with practical and easy to use steps along with worksheets and processes to make your teams successful. The entire book is right on target and the chapter on developing innovative approaches is excellent. If you lead, work on, or work with teams, this is a must read. –Gary Summy

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