A Greek Arithmetical Method For Finding Obliques Ascensions


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Journal For the History Astronomy, Vol 13Science History Publications1982InglêsUsado

raríssimo – capa dura – journal for the history astronomy, vol 13 – parte 1, nº 36; parte 2, nº 37; parte 3, nº 38 – volume encadernado com os três números de 1982 – 15×23 cm – 226 p = textos: (parte 1, nº 36;) – a greek arithmetical method for finding obliques ascensions (o. neugebauer); the venus tablets: a fresh approach (john d. weir); the isaac newton telescope (f. graham smith e j. dudley); (parte 2, nº 37); the eros parallax, 1930-31 (r atkinson); the first drawing of a spiral nebula (michael hoskin); some astronomical observations from: thirteenth-century egypt (david king e owen gingerich), entre outrs textos; (parte 3, nº 38); the significance of the copernican orbs (nicholas jardine); problems raised by ptolemys lunar tables … – 201627464

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