Aristotelian Planetary Theory in the Renaissance: Giovanni Batti


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Journal For the History Astronomy, Vol 3Science History Publications1972InglêsUsado

raríssimo – capa dura – journal for the history astronomy, vol 3 – parte 1, nº 6; parte 2, nº 7; parte 3, nº 8 – volume encadernado com os três números de 1972 – 15×23 cm – 226 p – textos: (vol 3 – parte 1, nº 6) aristotelian planetary theory in the renaissance: giovanni battista amicos homocentric spheres (noel swerdlow); the nebular hypothesis of isaac orr (d. ronald e r. berendzen); the origin of the lunar craters: an eighteenth-century view (roderick w home), entre outros textos; (parte 2, nº 7;) remarks on the theoretical treatment of eclipses in antiquity (asger aaboe); the astronomical instruments of john rowley in eighteenth-century russia (valentin l. chenakal); (parte 3, nº 8); thomas a. edison and infra-red astronomy (john e… – 201627465

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