Bella Broomstick – Halloween Havoc


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The third title in a delightful new series, full of doodle illustrations and themes of friendship and fitting in. Bella will have young readers bewitched from the very first page! Bella Broomstick is a hopeless witch. So hopeless that nasty Aunt Hemlock sent her to live in Person World – with the warning that she must never do magic again. A warning that Bella finds hard to obey… It’s Halloween and Bella can’t wait to carve a pumpkin and go trick-or-treating with her friends. But Halloween is also a time when real witches can enter the Person World. Merrymeet Village better look out … The coven is coming! Watch out for lots of comic spells and broomstick thrills as Bella saves the day!

Lou KuenzlerScholastic2016240Inglês14071579739781407157979Seminovo

Livro em excelente estado de conservação. Lombada e miolo firmes, apresenta leves marcas. Sem sublinhamento ou anotações.

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