Confessions of a Boy-crazy Girl


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Paula HendricksMoody Publishers2013Português9780802407504Usado

Livro usado em ótimo estado – 12×18 cm 151p – sem nome do antigo dono – sem dedicatória – sem notas – sem grifos – sem carimbos – miolo firme -//-Trust God with your love life . . . and buckle up for the ride II was ten when I first wrote about a boy in my journal. It didn’t seem to matter that his last name was Roach or that he came in and out of my life one short afternoon. He wasn’t the first boy I noticed—or the last. Over the years, my “cute, innocent crushes” became more and more frequent—and more and more costly. When I tried to fix myself, it was like slapping a flimsy Band-AidTM on a deep, gaping wound. Then I prayed a desperate prayer: that God would free me from my idols and teach me to trust Him with my love life.I don’t know what I expected, but it certainly wasn’t the

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