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Contradictory is the title of the 30th edition of the “Panorama da Arte Brasileira,” a biennial exhibition celebrated in the MAM SP, an event considered the most important of Brazilian contemporary art. The exhibition confronts Brazilian art with contemporary creations from other countries in an event described as “the meeting point of diverse artists that will debate the present state of Brazilian art expressions, developed in an environment where the rigid borders between different cultural expressions is rapidly disappearing.” The present catalogue includes an essay by exhibition curator Moacir dos Anjos along with information on all the exhibited works; an unpublished story by author Milton Hatoum; and an enclosed audio CD of musical remixes produced by disc jockey Dolores, created especially for this edition.

Museu de Arte Moderna de São PauloMAM2007200Português85868711419788586871146Novo

Livro em excelente estado de conservação, sem rasuras, marcações, assinaturas ou dedicatórias.

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