English Romantic Writers


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When preparing English Romantic Writers, one of the principal considerations was the relevance of the English Romantic writers to our own generation. This book offers a very generous selection from authors who have traditionally held a large place in our consciousness of English Romanticism, but it also includes other figures, especially women, who have been less emphasized in the past. The intellectual discourses of the age concerning governance, politics, and the impact of the French Revolution, gender and the status of women, the nature of nature and of human psychology, and the theory of literature and art are represented in the prose and poetry of writers like Wordsworth, Coleridge, the Shelleys, and Keats. There is also an usually large selection of ancillary materials — letters, journals, reviews, and reminiscences of the writers.

David PerkinsHarcourt Brace College Publishers19951392Inglês01550168819780155016880Usado

Bom estado capa dura 1392 pp * ML*

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