Friendship With God – Col. Walking With God


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Don Cousins; Judson PolingZondervan1992Inglês9780310591436Usado

Livro usado em bom estado – sem preenchimento – 16 x 23 cm – 82p – peso certo do livro – sem nome – sem dedicatória – sem notas – sem grifos – sem carimbo – miolo firme – sem etiqueta no dorso – amarelados do tempo sem prejuízo na leitura do texto – – /// – Well, I go to church, but I wouldnt describe God as my best friend. I want to feel closer to God, but Im not sure how to get there. Can you hear yourself in these statements? Do you know others who would? If so, this study is a great place to learn that God is a friend worth having. Youll discover in a fresh way the God who loves you. Youll see how he has sought you out, and that he really desires to know you as a friend. Youll also learn the basic tools for two-way communication w… – 201613300

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