Grafite – Labirintos do Olhar


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Photographer Edward Longman (born 1952, São Paulo), and journalist Gabriela Longman (born 1983, São Paulo) created a book that is the result of their work since 2014 on the streets of São Paulo, New York and Berlin. The editorial project was conceived from the conversations between father and daughter about how they could work together. With a chapter devoted to each of these cities, “This book seeks to situate the graffiti not in Heaven nor in hell, but seeks to exalt its qualities, especially the ideal of freedom, experimentation and risk involved […]. It’s not just a book of photography – although the images extrapolate, similar to a documentary record- this is not a travelogue, or an artistic catalog and is not a newspaper article- even if these categories are mixed here and along with the graffiti mingle many times in posters, walls and roofs,” writes Gabriella in the introduction.

Eduardo LongmanGabriela LongmanBei2017182Português85785014469788578501440Novo

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