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Rimbaud, born in 1854, started to write at an early age. By 17 he had written his most famous poem, ‘The Drunken Boat’. He then embarked on a turbulent homosexual relationship with the poet Verlaine, from which came some of their most original work, including A Season in Hell and Illuminations. Rimbaud rejected writing at the age of 20. After years of travelling and gun-running in Africa, he died in 1891, aged 37. Editor Biography Mark Treharne taught in the University of Warwick before becoming a freelance translator. Currently he is translating Proust’s Le Cote des Guermantes.

Arthur RimbaudEditions Flammarion1989221Francês20807051729782080705174Usado

Illuminations Arthur Rimbaud bom estado 221 pp * Em Francês*

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