Inclusive Education: a Global Agenda


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The way in which special education is conceived varies around the world, and pratice varies accordingly. One of the current debates concerns the concepts of mainstreaming, integration and inclusion – and whether these are in fact different concepts, or simply differnt terminology. This book is based on the assumption that inclusive education is a necessary part of providing high quality education for all. Using international examples, it clarifies the rationale for inclusion and demonstrates how it can be put into practice

Seamus HegartyCor and Meijer, Sip Jan PijlRoutledge1996182Inglês9780415147491Usado

Livro usado em bom estado – 182p – com nome pequeno a caneta na 1ª página- sem dedicatória – sem notas – sem grifos – sem carimbos – miolo firme – corte leve escurecido parte superior devido estocagem em prateleira – The way in which special education is conceived varies around the world, and pratice varies accordingly. One of the current debates concerns the concepts of mainstreaming, integration and inclusion – and whether these are in fact different concepts, or simply differnt terminology.This book is based on the assumption that inclusive education is a necessary part of providing high quality education for all. Using international examples, it clarifies the rationale for inclusion and demonstrates how it can be put into practice. – 20167448

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