Jack and the Beanstalk (my First Fairy Tales)


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sinopse: jack and his mother are poor. so she tells him to sell the family cow, and he does-for five magic beans. angry, jacks mother throws the beans away, and they grow into a huge stalk. jack climbs the stalk and discovers a terrible giant! how will jack ever escape?

Mara AlperinMara AlperinTiger Tales201532Inglês9781589254565Seminovo

Descrição: livro seminovo em ótimo estado – brochura – 28 x 24 cm – p -sem nome antigo dono – sem dedicatória – sem notas – sem grifos -sem carimbo – miolo firme – com etiqueta – sem sublinhado – /// geor4 /// sinopse: jack and his mother are poor. so she tells him to sell the family cow, and he does-for five magic beans. angry, jacks mother throws the beans away, and they grow into a huge stalk. jack climbs the stalk and discovers a terrible giant! how will jack ever escape?

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