Just in Time, Abraham Lincoln Patricia Polacco


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sinopse: two kids. one mysterious doorway to the civil war. michael and derek don’t expect the adventure of a lifetime while visiting a civil war museum with their grandmother. but when the mysterious museum keeper invites them to play a special history game, they suddenly find themselves walking through a door into a very realistic depiction of 1862. it’s only the beginning of their journey as they are whisked away by a carriage to nearby antietam only days after a violent battle. there, they see for themselves the tragic aftermath of war and come face-to-face with abraham lincoln. suddenly,

Patricia PolaccoPatricia PolaccoPenguin Usa201448Inglês9780147510624Seminovo

livro seminovo em ótimo estado – brochura – 28 x 24cm – p -sem nome antigo dono – sem dedicatória – sem notas – sem grifos -sem carimbo – miolo firme – com etiqueta – sem sublinhado – /// geor4 /// sinopse: two kids. one mysterious doorway to the civil war. michael and derek don’t expect the adventure of a lifetime while visiting a civil war museum with their grandmother. but when the mysterious museum keeper invites them to play a special history game, they suddenly find themselves walking through a door into a very realistic depiction of 1862. it’s only the beginning of their journey as they are whisked away by a carriage to nearby antietam only days after a violent battle. there, they see for themselves the tragic aftermath of war and come face-to-face with abraham lincoln. suddenly,

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