Miracle on the Road to Recovery


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John Keller e Margie KnightWord Spirit2010Inglês9781936314997Usado

Livro usado em ótimo estado – 259p – sem nome – sem dedicatória – sem notas – sem grifos – sem carimbos – miolo firme -February 17, 2008: John Keller, 33, was hit by a motorist while he was riding his motorcycle. With no helmet or protective gear, John flew 150 feet into the air and landed across five lanes of traffic. The injuries sustained were so serious, that little hope was given for survival. After 70 days in a coma, 11 months in hospitals and 14 surgeries, John is walking, talking and praising God for restoring him to health! John Keller is a truly a Miracle of Biblical Proportions! – 20168926

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