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Mike Giant has achieved fame as a graffiti artist, illustrator and tattooist. Black ink is Giant’s specialty and whether his medium is concrete, paper or skin his signature style – made up of equal parts Mexican folk art and Japanese illustration – is unmistakable. All over the world his style is renowned and followed. Latin and Hispanic culture play a major role in the execution of his silhouettes, which often resemble buxom pin-up femme fatale’s and assorted other voluptuous characters, often with skulls and animal tentacles (for good measure). Be them shapely graceful figures or flashy femme fatale’s from various era’s and cultures, Mike Giant’s characters from every époque guarantee a stellar viewing experience. Muerte is the jewel in the crown of the 36 Chambers series.

Mike GiantDrago2006100Inglês88884931909788888493190Usado

Livro em bom estado de conservação sem rasuras, marcações, assinaturas ou dedicatórias.
Capa um pouco judiada porem não rasgada.

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