Power to the People


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Vijay V. VaitheeswaranFarrar, Straus and Giroux2003Inglês9780374236755Usado

ISBN 13: 9780374236755 – Título completo: Power to the People: How the Coming Energy Revolution Will Transform an Industry, Change Our Lives, and Maybe Even Save the Planet – Livro estado de novo – In the wake of this summers failure of the aging power grid, Vaitheeswaran, the author of this timely book, highlights the trends he believes will transform the energy game: liberalization of the energy markets, the increasing influence of the environmental movement and recent innovations in hydrogen fuel-cell technology. In short essays, he covers many of todays energy problems, such as reliance on oil, global warming, air pollution and the dangers inherent in nuclear power. Micropower from fuel cells-big batteries that produce electricity by combining hydrogen fuel and available…

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