The Importance of the Transit of Mercury of 1631


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Journal For the History Astronomy, Vol 7Science History Publications1976InglêsUsado

Journal for the history astronomy, vol 7 – parte 1, nº 18; parte 2, nº 19; parte 3, nº 20 – volume encadernado com os três números de 1976 – 15×23 cm – 226 p – durex nas lombadas – TEXTO – (vol 7 – parte 1, nº 18): The Importance of the Transit of Mercury of 1631 (Albert Vam Helden); The Two Megalithic Lunar Observatories at Carnac (Alexander Thom e outros); The Double-argument Lunar Tables of Cyriacus (George Saliba); Ritchey, Curtis and the Disacovery of Novae in Spiral Nebulae (M A Hoskin); (parte 2, nº 19) – On the power of Penetrating into Space: The Telescopes of William Herschel (J A Bennett); The recovery of Early greek astronomy from Índia (David pingree); Early Astronomical Researches of John Flamsteed (Eric Forbes); The positi… – 201627135

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