The Mesopotamian Origin of Early Indian Mathematical Astronomy


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Journal For the History of Astronomy, Vol 4Science History1973InglêsUsado

journal for the history astronomy, vol 4 – parte 1, nº 9; parte 2, nº 10; parte 3, nº 11 (1973) – capa dura – bom estado: miolo sem marcações e sem sublinhados – 15×23 cm – 218 p – em inglês – papel amarelado – textos (vol 4 – parte 1, nº 9) – the mesopotamian origin of early indian mathematical astronomy (david pingree); the american kepler: daniel kirkwood and his analogy (ronald numbers); megalithic yard or megalithic myth? (hugh porteous); new light on tychoos instruments (victor thoren); conference on ancient astronomy; (vol 4 – parte 2, nº 10) – a megalithic lunar observatory in orkey: the ring of brogar and its cairns (a. thom e a s thom); the aberdeen copy of copérnicus commentariolus (jerzy dobrzycki); note – copernicus and na… – 201627133

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