A Geologist Among Astronomers: the Rise and Fall of the Chamberli


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Journal For the History Astronomy, Vol 9Science History Publications1978InglêsUsado

Editado em 1978 – raríssimo – em inglês – journal for the history astronomy, vol 9 – parte 1, nº 24; parte 2, nº 25; parte 3, nº 26 – 15×23 cm – 232 p – Textos: vol 9 – parte 1, nº 24; a) A Geologist among Astronomers: The Rise and Fall of the Chamberlin Moulton Cosmogony, part 1 (Stephen Brush); b) Some megalithiuc Sites in Shetland (A Thom and Robert L. Merritt); parte 2, nº 25; a) A Geologist among Astronomers: The Rise and Fall of the Chamberlin Moulton Cosmogony, par 2 (Stephen Brush); b) Borrowed Perceptions: Harriots maps of the Moon (Terrie Bloom); parte 3, nº 26 a) Galileos Lunar Observations and the Dating of the composition of Sidereus Nancius (Ewan Whitaker); b) The Phoenix of nature: Fire and evolutionary Cosmology in Wri… – 201628659

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